Alongside free film tickets and great discounts in Picturehouses across the land, your Picturehouse Membership entitles you to a brilliant selection of unmissable discounts and offers with East Dulwich Picturehouse's friendly local partners.

Please note: From time to time businesses may decide to pull or change offers, therefore offers are subject to change. We try our best to keep this list up-to-date. If you experience problems with any of the offers listed, please contact us.
Want to become a local partner and offer our wonderful members an unbeatable discount? Get in touch!

Rye Books - 10% Discount

The low-down:    A bookshop specializing in fiction, children's books, art & design, travel, food & drink, biography, history, gardening, hard-to-find, foreign language books, gifts & stationery.

The discount:    Members get a 10% discount on all products (in-store only). 

The juicy bits:    To claim this discount, show your Picturehouse Membership Card at point of purchase. Offer valid in-store only. Rye Books reserves the right to withdraw this offer at any time.

47 N Cross Rd, East Dulwich, London SE22 9ET |

FitFor - 25% off your first month of a gym membership

The low-down:    One of London's leading health, fitness and wellbeing brands. This gym and fitness centre offers a comprehensive range of physio treatments and sports massage, a dedicated Pilates studio, cycling suite and a wide range of cardio, spinning, yoga and tai chi classes.

The discount:    Members get a 25% discount on the first month of a gym membership at the East Dulwich branch. 

The juicy bits:    To claim this discount, show your Picturehouse Membership Card at point of purchase. ESPH reserves the right to withdraw this offer at any time.

116 Lordship Ln, East Dulwich, London SE22 8HD |